It's morning and rehearsal is over. The massive gates at the back of the tent have been opened to allow this performer to leave. Under her coat, she wears her costume and, as you see in the smaller shot, she probably had to get up rather too early that morning...
Lovely circus photos. Its nice to see that the circus is still going strong.
She looks like a movie star or celebrity in the monochromatic photo!
Ha! I just yawned.
Is it really contagious?!
Looks more like one of your royals than a circus performer. Mind you the colour one reveals her real self.
I agree with Leif -- & Gailsman -- the black and white is a better photo, she looks regal but then again the color is a candid shot of an unflattering pose.
She is a pretty woman. I hope you get some nice photos of her performing.
She has that elegant and aristocratic look, wouldn't think she's a circus performance when she's out on the street...Cool post.
The black and white shot is excellent. You really caught the essence of this woman.
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