Black and white or colour? In the end I felt colour shows better her beautiful skin - I like the contrast of skin, leather and palms. Richard's comment (Zurich Daily Photo) convinced me to change it. So here are both versions.
Everything you imagined in Monaco - and more
I agree with the color choice. I wouldn't want to miss out on her beautiful skin tone and hair color. A great photo with the greens offsetting all that black leather. She looks like one tough chick!
Must be Ms. Branda. lol Great catch---the palms soften the pic. MB
Her lips are reminiscent of Brando's and also Bridget Bardot's. Did you notice the pack of Marlboros (a bikers brand of cigarettes if there ever was one) and the tiny point and shoot camera in her left hand? Sign her up for Biker Daily Photo Blog.
I've only visited Monte Carlo once. When my wife, daughter and I were staying in Nice, we drove along the Corniche for a day trip. It seemed fantastic to us, in the original sense of the word. We had lunch in a waterside restuarant, poked our noses in the casino and realized that it and us were not meant for each another, and went to the botanical garden way up the hill. A memorable day.
Very nice photo, she does have gorgeous skin!
She beats the hell out of warlike wild boars roaming down people's driveways in the dead of night.
This is a much better option.
And, yes; there is a chap in the photo too.
I hadn't noticed him until now.
I went back and looked at the ladies series again -- interesting, and especially with the comparison to the "Time for a chat" couple.
I think I would be hard pressed to choose between B+W or color; but your choice was right. Her lips and skin is beautiful, would like to see more of her skin:)
Why was the Wild One banned in Britain? It actually was pretty tame, but in '53 it must have been seen as very threatening to society.
Oh come on! Black and White! That's the way to get good skin tones - did you try it?
I can see the echoes with "The Wild One", but it brought to my mind the Marianne Faithful movie "Girl on a Motor Cycle" - not because of the look, but you know.....
This photo really captures a feeling of another time-- Good one!
Wow, Jilly.....you at that new Lumix! You're putting out apremium grade Monte Carlo version with it! That phone technician, etc and now this.
BTW....the B&W wins....the way the light falls on the leather, the harmony rather than the contrast of all the tones. The B&W comes from the "gut" and is "naive". The colour is "sentimental" i.e. contrived for the salon. Well, something like that, eh?
I prefer the black and white. It somehow adds to the atmosphere, makes it seem that they are deep in conversation on something very profound.
Black and white. No question about it.
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