31 January 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - the Red Roses

We've gone back to the beginning today. As guests left the cathedral they were handed a red rose - and not just the ladies.

Later, when I was near to the Palace, a lady from the Mairie, a big bunch of roses in her arms, handed me one. Somehow I strapped it to my camera bag and now, several days later it's flourishing in my kitchen - a beautiful reminder of the day.


Leif Hagen said...

Everyone seems very happy to have received a rose!

glenda said...

The roses are such a lovely idea. They look very happy, it may be the rose or something else.

Julie ScottsdaleDailyPhoto.com said...

sounds like a very nice idea

CalTexMes said...

Bonjour Tonton! Thanks for showing-off my uncle (in the middle in the top picture) and his friend (right in the same pic). :-)

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