The man who owns this car obviously thinks otherwise and doesn't want sticky fingers on his car, thank you very much.
Of course I should be telling you what the car is. I'm not sure - it reminds me of a Jaguar E-Type a friend from long ago used to have - in fact I used to travel to the south of France in it but doubtless someone will tell me it isn't an E-type... Maybe the company Weismann does poshed-up Jags...

I can understand the owner very well!
I wouldn't like that, either!
Last year I photographed Wiesmann cars lined up in front of the Fairmont Hotel. As I had never heard of this car, I searched for it in the internet. It's a car produced in small units. "Handmade in Germany" within 350 hours. http://www.wiesmann.com/en
Barbara from Germany
Noice leather interiors ...
Although I understand the owner's feelings, I readily understand the whimsy of those who want their photos taken with it. Too bad if people ignore it...I'm not too sympathetic 'cuz I have a few jealous genes in my body!
Kate, yes - I understand that people want to take those photos, but they can do it without touching the car...
That's my opinion. Some even want to lean against the car which can scratch the polish.. Removing a damage is expensive and reduces the value of the car.
When I see all those french cars with scratches, bents and dents - seems they just don't care! Ok, I as a German maybe see this a bit strict! Our cars are not holy, but we don't want it to look bad.. And maybe this Norwegian doesn't want it either..
Barbara from Germany
With that sign on his car, he is taking a risk that monolingual Chinese tourists may lean on his car.
When my son's car was new, he used to go to some car shows. They would have models in bikinis who would lean on and pose with your car, for a fee, of course.
I wonder if they guy who owns this car would complain about that? Probably not if he was there. They wouldn't scratch the car, but they might leave some smudges.
Whatever it is, it looks fancy! But I think it's a little much to put a sign on it. That might lead some people to do the opposite. :)
Does the sign work? It is quite a car.
He / She is lucky. If I had to pass there I'd have closed its external mirrors. I deeply hate to pass between two parked cars with those mirrors open. It's a very bad habit
Ne touchez pas! HA That is a fancy one I'll agree. Wonder if his mulitlingual flyer did the trick. It didn't say you couldn't photograph it though did it! Good one Jilly.
It is a Wiesmann GT.
Here in Finland touching other people's cars is also forbidden by social norms and unwritten rules of behaviour.
I wonder is he has come all way from Norway to a show and had made the sign with show visitors in mind or is touching a problem in just normal parking too.
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