05 August 2009

The Child and the Dachshund

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

In June we met a real Monte Carlo Dog, a tiny chihuahua, all dressed up in pink and owned by the owner of an art gallery in the Winter Sporting. That day in the gallery, I photographed this wonderfully effusive and adorable child with her 5 month old dachshund puppy called Titta. They were in gallery because her mother was helping the owner with the vernissage. They live in Genoa, along the Ligurian coast in Italy.


Sharon said...

This photo is so adorable! It makes me want to hug a puppy!

Anonymous said...

This is a very special portrait. That little girl will always be able to remember herself and this special dog. Nice post.

I am still making history on my Pick a Peck of Pixels blog. Today I posted a Zebra Butterfly with long tails. He is as big as your hand. Most have never seen one. Now you can see one at
Pick a Peck of Pixels

B SQUARED said...

Too cute!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Oh no too much. I really am a softie when it comes to dogs. So very, very cute.

Teri said...

Titta looks exactly like the sort of dog who frequents galleries in Monte Carlo! And the little girl's dress looks as crisp and fresh as a summer's day.

Bob Crowe said...

Oh, my. When I put something so sweet on my blog I usually refer to it as gratuitous cuteness. But who can resist?

Anonymous said...

Children and puppies were made for each other.

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