14 August 2009

Fête XVIIIth Century - the Programme Lady

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

As you can see in the small photograph, the man handing out the wine tries to persuade the young lady (who hands out the programmes) to have some wine. She looks a little unsure and then agrees.

I wonder if they had red nail polish in the XVIIIth century?

We see the Palace in the background - note the weather, low cloud over le rocher and humid that morning. No wonder the wine was welcome.


Diederick Wijmans said...

That is a beautiful portrait of his young lady, Jilly!! Bravissima!

Pasi from Finland said...

Dear Jilly, we are in Monaco! Of course they had nail polish even at that time ;- )

Pasi from Finland said...

Dear Jilly, we're in Monaco! Of course they had nail polish even at that time ;- )

B SQUARED said...

A classic beauty;doesn't look a day older than the XIXth century.

Unknown said...

Another lovely looking MC lady. what a shame the FZ18 has shown up her bad skin, but she still has a pretty face.

Virginia said...

Beautiful portrait of course. I'd take the vin!

Anonymous said...

Ye olde nail polish!

I love those little goblets(?) they're drinking out of.

Pierre BOYER said...

Very nice portrait...


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