20 July 2007

Monaco Open Air Cinema

This is new Open Air Summer Cinema, just along from the Oceanographic Museum. It advertises as starting at 9.45 at night but normally it's 10 p.m. or later. You can buy a glass of wine, you can sit in lounges or chairs. The films are in English with French subtitles - and it's a great place to meet up with friends. Why not come tomorrow - they are showing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? It's rather magical setting I think you'll agree. Click on the website of the Summer Cinema, scroll down, and you'll see a map of exactly where this is on the Rock.


Anonymous said...

It's immediately evident that the Earth is round (because of the horisont line:)
I didn't know abour Oceanographic Museum when I was in Monaco unfortunately. Hope to visit it next time.
The idea about cinema is great. Have you already been there?

saint-petersburg dailyphoto

Sally said...

Yes, I'd like a tocket please! I have sen the movie once, but who could resist such a gorgeous setting?

Sally said...

that's a ticket!

lv2scpbk said...

Wonderful view and it does look like a great place to hold this.

Ann (MobayDP) said...

What a spectacular view!

I sure hope there's a guard railing at the spot at which you took that photo! One wouldn't want to slip and fall right onto that screen would one! :-D

Z said...

Oh wow, I would gladly join you tomorrow! See a film in the open, that's going on my list of things to do.

isa said...

First of all - fantastic photo, Jilly!

Secondly - love the open-air- movie-watching-wine-sipping-idea!

You know I'd be there, if I could :-(

iBlowfish said...

I guess it is gonna be a new experience for me to watch movie in outdoor at the edge of ocean with a glass of wine. Interesting narrative.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful experience it would be to sit in the fresh night air and view the movie.

That color of the water is awesome.

travelphilippines said...

amazing view.. i would love to watch there and never leave.

Chris said...

What a fantastic idea (esp. the wine part) but who could watch a movie with that scenery in the background?

Anonymous said...

Great work.

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