09 August 2009


Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Hibiscus in the Jardin Saint Martin on le Rocher. This is one of the most peaceful gardens in Monaco and well worth a visit when you are in the vicinity of the Cathedral or the Oceanographic museum.

My preferred photo in terms of image was the smaller one on the left but I felt the two with the wrought iron railings and view down to the port of Fontvieille tell more of a story. So here are all three!


glduro_marieloupe said...

Hisbiscos of these color are not very common. But I love it! It was the favorite color of flower of my Mom!


glduro_marieloupe said...

BTW: I loved the last one, where you can see the marina! Beautiful!


Sharon said...

Such a frilly hibiscus. I've never seen this variety.

Clueless in Boston said...

Beautiful hibiscus.

Lowell said...

We've got lots of hibiscus, also, of various colors. I think they are wonderful and usually last most of the winter, but then a couple of hard freezes and kaput! But they usually come back.

What a beautiful spot that is!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colour! Is there even a name for it?

Jilly said...

Yoork, often in Monaco's gardens you find signs telling you the names of trees but not the smaller plants. I didn't see a name for this one unfortunately. In fact, from a distance, I thought it was a rose!

Kate said...

Luscious colours! Can't help but love hibiscus!

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